
Training a group of “Colour Music” Navigators to continue the application of “Colour Music” in Hong Kong and build up the “Seven Colours Music Scores” database. Introduce “Colour Music” to elderly service organizations in Hong Kong to provide a non-pharmacological treatment for the elderly suffering from early-stage dementia, using self-learning music to relieve their symptoms.

“Colour Music” – incorporates elements of color and rhythm into the music, using seven colors instead of the notes on the pentatonic scale. This is a great way to start playing music from scratch so that learning to play an instrument is not difficult. “Colour Music” is a systematic arrangement of colors to assist in reading notes, which significantly lowers the threshold for people of all abilities to learn the basic elements of music and to play an instrument.


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《七色音樂探險隊》認知障礙症(預防/緩減) –- 音樂治療計劃講座 (重溫)
