人們可透過服務他人去累積時分將個人技能及時間轉化成為有效資源,以享所需服務;但長者一直都是這類計劃的受助者。本計劃透過由基督教家庭服務中心及香港大學共同研發的「時間銀行應用程式」,去加速配對以退休人士和青少年為主的「生活助手」;並設有時分轉贈機制去協助有需要的長者。計劃另一特別之處是長者本身也可成為生活助手,透過其一技之長,如教授烹飪、編織等,賺取時分以換取所需家居服務,讓一直以來的受助者角色得以轉化,真正實踐時間銀行give & take 的槪念 。
Time Bank. Life Connection Project is funded by Keswick Foundation, which aims at developing and upscaling Time Bank as an organized system for members or users to exchange wide range of services, i.e. home care services, health care services, training courses etc., according to their needs through the mobile application developed by CFSC and HKU. By upscaling Time Bank, the project would eventually generate greater Social Return On Investment for a better community and the beneficiaries include the elderly, young people, retirees etc.
Time Bankers were taking a walk with an elderly who seldom leaves home during COVID-19
An elderly taught younger Time Bankers the way of making spicy sauce and earn Time Credit for redeeming home care services
Time Bank. Life Connection Project collaborated with a social enterprise and provided free haircut services to Time Bankers and elderly
網址 Website:https://homecare.cfsc.org.hk/sigprojects/
FB專頁 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067647322774