Champion For Change Award –

Ageing Well Dying Well Project


“Colour Music” Pathfinding


Training a group of “Colour Music” Navigators to continue the application of “Colour Music” in Hong Kong and build up the “Seven Colours Music Scores” database. Introduce “Colour Music” to elderly service organizations in Hong Kong to provide a non-pharmacological treatment for the elderly suffering from early-stage dementia, using self-learning music to relieve their symptoms.

“Colour Music” – incorporates elements of color and rhythm into the music, using seven colors instead of the notes on the pentatonic scale. This is a great way to start playing music from scratch so that learning to play an instrument is not difficult. “Colour Music” is a systematic arrangement of colors to assist in reading notes, which significantly lowers the threshold for people of all abilities to learn the basic elements of music and to play an instrument.


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《七色音樂探險隊》認知障礙症(預防/緩減) –- 音樂治療計劃講座 (重溫) 


Elderly as Digital Content Creator



The main theme of this programme using multimedia and digital technology to help the elderly to illustrate their stories and points of view to the public. 

Change the people’s negative perception of the elderly and arouse wide public concern on the social problems faced by the elderly and potential alternatives of the relevant policies.The Project includes training on interviewing skills, online writing and editing, photo and video shooting, and event organizing, preparing them to enter the new digital era.

Videos featuring social issues like working-poor elderly’s situations and elderly service gaps will be produced.

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Keep e Touch


「Keep e Touch」, a project supported by the Hong Kong Social Worker Association and funded by the Keswick Foundation,  aims to engage 50+ professional retirees to improve the resilience of the elderly, especially singleton and doubletons, in Kwun Tong. A series of innovative activities will be designed to help the elderly build digital skills and connect to resourceful physical and online networks in their community.

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Let’s Join an IG Family!

扶老攜幼上IG」旨在加強晚期長者與家人的聯繫,鼓勵雙方以Instagram(IG) 製造和保存珍貴的互動時刻,透過線上平台緊貼長者生活及分享家庭逸事,設計專屬長者的帖文或影片;又根據「核心支援」模式(CORE-UPHOLD Model) 實證為本的實踐,紀錄長者的人生智慧和傳承個人專長,成就現代版「愛的家書」! 此項目獲選為香港社會工作人員協會及凱瑟克基金主辦的 Champion for Change Award – Ageing Well Dying Well得獎項目之一。

“Let’s Join an IG Family!” encourages elders in the late stage of life and their family members to use Instagram (IG) to create and preserve precious moments together, which helps them strengthen connectedness and share family life through exclusive posts or videos.  With the application of “CORE-UPHOLD Model” evidence-based practices, elders’ personhood and life wisdom can be recorded and passed on.  It is really a modern version of “Family Love Letters “! The programme is one of the winners of the “Champion for Change Award – Ageing Well Dying Well” organized by the Hong Kong Social Workers Association and Keswick Foundation Limited.


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Mind Delight Online Store




Most people believe that the elderly will be incapable and can do nothing once they have dementia. But is it really the truth?

What they can do is absolutely beyond our imagination and expectation.

“Mind Delight Online Store” is an online shopping platform, which operates with assistance from the elderly with dementia. They will help with idea brainstorming, product packaging, product promotion and selling household items made from natural materials. Meanwhile, the sales income will be used to benefit themselves by buying products or activities they want. Furthermore, a series of cognitive training elements will be integrated into their jobs to make them conduct the cognitive training unconsciously in their daily routine. On top of that, we will invite suitable volunteers to join the online store team and collaborate with the elderly on product promotion. Different parties are expected to deepen their understanding, acceptance and cooperation with each other. Ultimately, people in communities are supposed to see a stunning personal image of the elderly. 


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FB專頁(中心) Facebook (Centre)



Sports for Change – Healthy Ageing, Happy Ageing

本項目旨在服務不同能力的長者:行動不便、 一般健康和活躍的老友記,為他們提供不同程度的運動體驗和訓練,包括每星期舉辦的晨運班、跑步課和上門家中訓練,訓練目的在於提升他們的肌肉力量、協調性和身體平衡能力,從而避免意外和受傷。所有訓練班均由具資格及經驗的運動教練和運動愛好者帶領。我們相信運動能夠讓我們與長者建立長期友好的關係,並逐步改善他們的身心靈及社交健康。

This project aims to serve the elderly of different strength levels: sedentary, lightly active and active seniors. We provide different levels of exercise experiences and trainings, including weekly morning boot camp, running class and home visit training, and target to improve their muscle strength, coordination and body balance in order to avoid accidents and injuries. We are partnered with experienced coaches, trainers and sports lovers who are passionate in serving the community. With our enthusiasm for sports, we believe it is easier to build up a friendly long-term relationship with the elderly and gradually improve their physical, mental and social well-beings.





Time Bank. Life Connection Project


Time Bank. Life Connection Project 由凱瑟克基金贊助,計劃透過由基督教家庭服務中心及香港大學共同研發的「時間銀行應用程式」,進一步加快配對速度、提升服務數字,讓有需要的長者能夠得到及時的支援。除了退休人士及青少年,計劃亦會邀請年長的長者成為「生活助手」,透過其一技之長,如教授烹飪、編織等,賺取時分以換取所需家居服務,讓一直以來的受助角色得以轉化。

Time Bank. Life Connection Project is funded by Keswick Foundation, which aims at developing and upscaling Time Bank as an organized system for members or users to exchange wide range of services, i.e. home care services, health care services, training courses etc., according to their needs through the mobile application developed by CFSC and HKU. By upscaling Time Bank, the project would eventually generate greater Social Return On Investment for a better community and the beneficiaries include the elderly, young people, retirees etc.

Time Bankers were taking a walk with an elderly who seldom leaves home during COVID-19


An elderly taught younger Time Bankers the way of making spicy sauce and earn Time Credit for redeeming home care services

Time Bank. Life Connection Project collaborated with a social enterprise and provided free haircut services to Time Bankers and elderly 

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